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​Dr. Jacqueline Shreibati 

Research Scientist at Google Health.

Googling diabetes simulation modelling

Dr. Jacqueline Shreibati, MD, MS, FACC, is a general cardiologist and research scientist (health economics and outcomes research) at Google Health. She was previously Chief Medical Officer at AliveCor. Dr. Shreibati is Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine. She received her BA from Columbia University, and MD and MS degrees (in health services research) from Stanford University. 

Joel W. Hay, PhD 

Leonard Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics at the University of Southern California.

Implementing transparency in diabetes simulation modelling

Joel W. Hay is Professor and Founding Chair in the Department of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy in the School of Pharmacy, with a joint appointment in the Department of Economics and in the Leonard Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics at the University of Southern California. He also serves as the USC Project Coordinator for the Rand Evidence-Based Medicine Practice Centers of Southern California funded by the US Agency for Health Research and Quality, and Co-Investigator at the USC Alzheimer Research Center funded by the California Dept. of Health Services. He is a Health Economics Research Scholar at the UCLA Center for Vaccine Research. He is a founding Executive Board member of the American Society for Health Economics and of the International Society for Pharmaceutical Economics and Outcomes Research.



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