The Mt Hood Diabetes Challenge Transparency Prize
The Mt Hood Diabetes Challenge Network has developed guidelines for improving transparency in the reporting of input data underlying model-based economic analyses of diabetes interventions, including a checklist of information that should be routinely reported.
The guidelines have recently been published in Value in Health and can be downloaded:
Palmer AJ Lei S. Tew M. et al. Computer Modeling of Diabetes and Its Transparency: A Report on the Eighth Mount Hood Challenge Volume 21, Issue 6, June 2018, Pages 724-731.
The first Mt Hood transparency prize was awarded to Pierre Johansen, Senior Health Economist at Novo Nordisk for Cost Efectiveness of Once‑Weekly Semaglutide Versus Once‑Weekly Dulaglutide in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Canada (click on image to access the paper)
Mt Hood will offer a second transparency prize at its next bi-annual meeting in 2025. The Prize will again be for an empirical health economic evaluation of a diabetes intervention (using a computer simulation model) that is best able to implement the Mt Hood transparency guidelines. To be considered for the 2025 prize the study must have been published in a peer review journal by 31 Jan 2025.
So please send examples of economic evaluations that implement the Mt Hood transparency guidelines to mthood2016[at]