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Abstract presentations at Mt Hood Chicago 2025



How to submit an abstract 


​The Mt Hood 2025 conference will have abstract and organised sessions to facilitate maximum participation of health economists and decision scientists. The conference is strongly committed to diversity and inclusion. Mt Hood encourages consideration of diversity in all abstract submissions, including (but not limited to) gender, career stage, ethnicity, race, education, and region/geographic location. Abstract submissions should have relevance to the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications.


Abstract submission are now open and should be made via the link above. The deadline for submissions is 21 Feb 2025. We may accept late-breaking submissions if presentation slots are available. 


​For review purposes, submitted abstracts will be grouped into the following categories.











































Abstract Submission Guidelines


  • Abstracts should not be identical to previously published abstracts.

  • Abstracts should report original work that has not been published or accepted for publication in manuscript form prior to abstract submission.

  • The language of the conference will be English. Please submit all abstracts in English.

  • Accepted abstracts will be published Mt Hood Challenge website and in the Conference program.

  • All submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee, and notifications will be sent to presenting author in early March.

  • Accepted abstracts must have at least one presenting author who registers for and attends the Chicago Conference. Author(s) are responsible for expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract.

  • Authors or co-authors can be from industry/pharmaceutical companies.

  • Mt Hood conference welcomes an unlimited number of abstract submissions per presenter. However, a maximum of 2 abstracts will be accepted as oral presentations.


Proposal Details


  • Title

  • Description: In 300 words or less, please provide abstract in the usual structure format (Background, Aims, Methods, Results).

  • Enter contact information for each person  (Positions, affiliation, country, and where available email address).

  • Indicate the presenter for the proposal (who will be attending the conference).

  • All presenters are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.






Diabetes & its complications


Diabetes simulation models; cost-effectiveness analysis of prevention and treatment of diabetes; consequences of diabetes on quality of life and productivity; risk stratification; health inequalities due to diabetes.

Medical Decision making

Risk perception; Risk communication; Doctor-patient communication; Decision support; Decision aids; Patient empowerment;

Patient and Stakeholder Preferences 

Stated-preferences methods (including discrete choice experiments, conjoint analysis, best-worst scaling, contingent valuation); Patient and stakeholder engagement in research; Utility and health state valuation

Health Services, Outcomes and Policy Research

Administrative database and outcomes research; Applied modeling analyses; Clinical strategies and guidelines; Comparative effectiveness research; Ethical, legal and social issues; Global health research; Health policy; Health services research; Health technology assessment ; Inequality analysis;

Applied health economics

Cost analyses; Cost-effectiveness analyses; cost-utility analysis, cost-minimisation analysis and quality of life research; Pharmacoeconomics;

Quantitative Methods and Theoretical Developments

​Bayesian methods and analyses; Advances in simulation and decision modeling; Model calibration/validation; Causal inference; Decision theory;

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