Mount Hood Diabetes
23-25 June 2025 Chicago, USA
The Mt Hood Diabetes network has pioneered the use of simulation modelling challenges. These involve comparing health economic disease simulation models by having groups independently conduct pre-specified computer simulations. Models are then compared based on predictions of disease progression (eg rates of different complications of diabetes), or holistic outcomes such as Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs).
Recent Mt Hood meeting have involved up to 10 diabetes models undertaking simulations to assess the cost-effectiveness of several interventions to treat diabetes. A copy of the publication reporting a past challenge can be found here.
A theme of the Chicago conference will focus on simulating ways to prevent and treat diabetes through weight reduction interventions, as well as, ways to promote the use of Mt Hood-style challenges in other disease areas. Hence, we are seeking to work with other disease modellers (outside of diabetes) to design and undertake comparisons of simulation models.
Like past conferences it will involve both challenge sessions and submitted abstracts sessions. The 2nd Mt Hood simulation modelling transparency prize will be awarded at the conference.
The conference will be hosted by the Center for Chronic Disease Research and Policy (CDRP) at the University of Chicago.
Venue & accommodation
The venue for this years conference is Chicago Theological Seminary which is located at 1407 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, and near the University of Chicago.
Recommended hotels located near the conference venue include The Study and Hyatt – South Chicago. Alternatively there are many hotels located in the downtown area which are a taxi ride away. Given that Mt Hood is taking place immediately after the American Diabetes Association Congress early booking is advised.
Provisional Program - Outline
Monday 23 June: Pre-conference workshop (2-5pm) & Mt Hood social event (6pm onward)
Tuesday 24 June: 9-5pm including challenge session (morning) and abstract sessions (afternoon). Business meeting 5-6pm; Conference dinner at a local restaurant (7pm onward).
Wednesday 25 June: 9-3pm including challenge sessions and abstract sessions.
All timings are provisional and may be subject to change.
Event prices
All prices are in $US and for in person attendance at the conference (no virtual attendance is planned).
Conference Registration (includes two day conference attendance, dinner and social event)
Academic/ Public Sector: $600 (Early); $650 (Regular)
Private/ Industry Sector: $800 (Early); $1000 (Regular)
Full-time Student: $400 (early); $450 (Regular)
Pre-conference Workshop (half day)
Academic/ Public Sector: $200 (Early); $250 (Regular)
Private/ Industry Sector: $400 (Early); $500 (Regular)
Full-time Student: $100; $125 (Regular)
Key dates
Abstract submission & registrations open - Late Jan 2025
Deadline for Submission for Mt Hood transparency Prize 31 Jan 2025
Abstract Submissions Close - Friday 21 Feb 2025
Early Bird registration closes Friday 14 March 2025
Mt Hood Challenge Instructions finalized by March
Challenge results deadline - 14 June 2025.