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Mt Hood 2025: Pre-Conference Workshop  

A half-day workshop will be held prior to the conference. The workshops take place on Monday 23 June 2-5pm.

The workshop covers all aspects of building and using health-economic diabetes simulation models. The workshop will have no assumed knowledge and is intended to provide an overview of the field, including the latest developments. 




Introduction to diabetes modelling


  • Brief History

  • How simulation models work

  • Constructing risk equations using individual data

  • Developing risk-factor equations


Quality of life and complications


  • Collection of Quality of life data: Case studies from UKPDS and ADVANCE studies

  • How often and what do we need to collect?

  • Heterogeneity in responses across regions

  • Should be using levels or changes in Quality of life?

  • Relationship between utility and mortality

  • Quality Adjusted Survival Models

  • Role of meta-analysis 


Costs of treatments and complications


  • Changes in the price and expenditure of diabetes therapies:  recent evidence

  • Options for collecting resource use information

  • Sources of costing data in other countries – Sweden, Australia, ADVANCE.


Future directions in modelling


  • Adapting models across settings

  • Calibration risk equations 

  • Developing new equations – mortality following events -  WA UKPDS example

  • LE calculators (Sweden & WA)

  • What can we learn from meta-models?


New Developments in Type 1 diabetes


  • Burden of the disease: Life expectancy gap in Sweden & Australia

  • How a hypo can impact on your life expectancy

  • Overview of a new Type 1 diabetes model


The future of diabetes simulation modelling


  • Capturing new treatments and interventions

  • Can we develop a universal model?

  • Software for simulation modelling

Summary of UKPDS Outcomes Model equations
Overview of HE diabetes simulaton models


Professor Philip Clarke was instrumental in the development of both versions of the UKPDS Outcomes Model.  More recently he has been involved in the development of a comparable Type 1 diabetes simulation model using data from a large diabetes registry in Sweden. He has also been involved with the economic analyses of the major diabetes clinical trials including the UKPDS, FIELD and ADVANCE studies.
Introduction to Building and Calibrating Simulation Models in R
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