Syreon Diabetes Control Model
Developer: Nagy, Balázs
Date the form is submitted: May 2017
Participated in following Mt Hood Diabetes Challenge Meetings: NA
Publicly accessible? Not at this stage.
Is the model continuing to be developed? Yes, to be adaptable for several health care situations and jurisdictions.
Brief Description of the model:
The Syreon Diabetes Control Model projects long-term outcomes for type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic populations over time by taking into account baseline patient characteristics, history of complications, changes in physiological parameters, effects of treatment, management and screening programmes. The model follows the entire lifespan of persons and records important phases of the disease and related interventions. Patients are exposed to disease and treatment specific events, which depict disease progression and diabetes-related care. The first ‘module’ of the health economic model records the effects of screening for T2DM. The second ‘module’ replicates important complications of diabetes, that is, coronary heart disease, retinopathy, macula oedema, hypoglycaemia, nephropathy, neuropathy, foot ulcer, peripheral vascular disease, stroke and ketoacidosis. The third ‘module’ follows the progression of individuals through physiological variables: systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), cholesterol level, HDL-cholesterol level, HbA1c and body mass index (BMI). The fourth ‘module’ calculates outcomes, in monetary and naturalistic units, for example, life years, avoided events and associated costs.
Most of the current health economic models can provide information on the effectiveness and cost consequences of certain specific aspects of care, usually of treatment and mostly not consequences of early recognition and prevention. As elements of the spectrum of care are not independent, informal integration of these pieces of health economic evidence is not straightforward. We hope that this comprehensive model, fully taking into account the information needs of decision-makers about diabetes management, will facilitate public health decision-making to reduce disease burden.
Funding source for model development: inancial support for to develop the core model was provided in part by a contract with Novartis Hungary Ltd. The funding agreement ensured the authors’ independence in designing the study, building the economic model, interpreting the data, writing and publishing the report.
Key Publications:
Nagy B, Zsolyom A, Nagyjanosi L, Meresz G, Steiner T, Papp E, Dessewffy Z, Jermendy G, Winkler G, Kalo Z, Voko Z. Cost-effectiveness of a risk based secondary screening program of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2016 32: 710-72